Hello! My name is Julian Smart and I'm a media specialist located in the San Francisco Bay Area. For the past five years I have lead media production at higher education institutions as well as pursued freelance work in the tech. and non-profit sectors. I strive to find creative solutions in all aspects of production to represent the mission and values of the brand. 
Currently, I work at The University of San Francisco as the Senior Multimedia Producer where I create video, photo, and motion graphics in exchange for money, thumbs ups, and high fives.

Core Values
Working with others:
I find a lot of enjoyment in producing content both inside and outside the multimedia field. Whether it's leading or assisting other video and photo creatives, I strive to foster an environment of collaboration. Outside of photo and video, I believe that collaboration with strategists, designers, web producers and the wider team is key to delivering strong marketing campaigns.

My software is always in beta: 
...except for Premiere, which is buggy enough as-is. With everything else though, I am passionate learning and implementing new tools that can increase production quality, make a process easier, and complete projects quicker.
Creative solutions to not-so-fun topics: 
Some asks are just straight "boring". While most projects lack the time or budget to completely fulfill that creative itch, I believe there are always ways to make the process and product interesting. 

Can we automate that? 
If you are viewing this website from top to bottom, you may have noticed a large emphasis on templates and automation. I strongly believe that automating redundant processes allows for consistency on brand graphics, the ability to put creative focus into other tasks, and reduces the turnaround time for projects both large and small.
AKA maybe one day I can work from a beach

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